Out of Order is an American television dramedy series created and written by Donna Powers and Wayne Powers (Deep Blue Sea, The Italian Job), who also directed the first and final episodes. The show lasted one season (six episodes) which aired on Showtime from June 1, 2003 to June 30, 2003, and received mixed reviews.
Justine Bateman won a Golden Satellite Award for Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Miniseries or a Motion Picture Made for Television and Felicity Huffman was nominated for Best Performance by an Actress in a Miniseries, or a Motion Picture Made for Television.
The series was nominated for a Golden Satellite Awards for Best Miniseries and also nominated for an Artios, Best Casting for TV Miniseries. [Imdb.com] The New York Times called it one of the "Ten Best Shows on Television" in 2003. The Associated Press said, "It warrants comparison with the best of television, HBO's Six Feet Under and The Sopranos."
The pilot episode is available on DVD. The series was also edited together and released on DVD as a stand-alone feature film by Showtime Entertainment.